2018 Events

Gardening for kids - ActivateYYC event 
Location: Sherwood Community Garden
Saturday May 26, 10am - 12pm

Children 12 years old and under who attend the event, ideally each of them will bring home a pot with an edible plant after the session. Children may also can help to plant some edible plants in the community garden shared plot. Children and their parents will be taught how to plant, maintain the plant and complete post-harvest activities later on. Healthy refreshment is available for the kids as well.

Free Delivery Days in Sherwood
Sturday May 26, 10 - 12pm
Every two weeks Saturday morning 

For supporting LOCAL Growing Communities, Starburn Horticulture - Calgary's local nursery provides free delivery to Sherwood residents on every two weeks Saturday morning during the growing season 2018. You are right, free deleivery to your home.

Want to know how professionals plant a tree? Please come to the community garden on May 26 10am-12pm, professionals will show you how to plant a tree on the site.

Sherwood Harvest Festival
Saturday, September 15, 3pm-5pm

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